It is used for little more than making 3/8" tape labels for power sockets, my paper filing system, my email addresses on the keyboard etc. I only wanted a computer connected printer to utilise its large bright screen and sensible key sizes, rather than for any fancy printing capabilities. I investigated such independent label printers first, and they all have small dim LCD displays and tiny buttons similar to my existing label printer so there would be no point in buying another. It's not as nice or flexible as the one I had but it gets the job done since it doesn't require it to be connected to a computer to use (although that is an option that will give it more options if you can figure out how to get it to work in Linux). I now use a standalone brother label printer (PT-D600). I wait until they have a sale before buying I keep a couple cartridges of each size on hand so I will still have one to use while I wait for a sale to replace one I use up. You may be able to get the printer a bit less expensively on Amazon but I've been happy with the label tape prices and service from PtouchDirect. I bought my printer locally so I could return it more easily if I didn't like it but a good place online for Brother label printers and label tape (I get all my tape from here) is.

I've been happy with it once I got past the learning curve (the manual is not the easiest to understand at first). I gave away a perfectly good, expensive Brother label printer simply I couldn't get it to work in Mint, despite trying suggestions I found on how to do so (part of the problem was trying to understand the vague directions I found).