To help you easily discover more things in the app, we’re trying out a new page, Explore. The app may look a little different for some of you! Ibotta recommends saving your paper receipts until you receive your cash back. Your receipt will be sent to Ibotta for review.After verifying your matched offers, tap Collect $X for X offer(s).If your offer is still missing it will need to be added to Your list, search and add more offers in the Search all offers at (retailer) search bar.If any offers are missing, tap Verify more offers and manually verify any offers that were missing.The TC# is a set of numbers associated with your transaction and printed above the barcode.If you are unable to scan the barcode, you may tap No barcode? Enter TC# and manually enter this information instead.Tap Upload receipt and scan the receipt barcode.You can tap Go back and add offers if you need to add more offers to Your list Review the Check your list page and make sure all the items you are expecting cash back for are on your list.Navigate to the Walmart In-store page in the app.

Itemized paper receipts cannot be submitted on the web or desktop and must be submitted using the Ibotta app. This receipt is what you will submit to Ibotta for cash back. This paper receipt will have a barcode with a TC#, a set of numbers associated with your transaction, printed at the bottom of your receipt. When you shop in-store at Walmart, you will be provided an itemized receipt printed at the register. You can submit your Walmart in-store receipt by scanning the barcode located at the bottom of the paper receipt after adding your offers to your Walmart list.