For example, when a table has been inserted into a Word document, the Design and Layout tabs appear in the Ribbon. Some command tabs are context-sensitive, displaying only when a particular feature is being used. Tools for each command tab are divided into groups (e.g., the Clipboard, Font, and Paragraph groups in Word's Home tab). Specialized features can then be quickly accessed from the other command tabs. Programs open in the Home command tab, which displays most of the tools you will need to create a basic document. These have largely been replaced by the Ribbon, a more intuitive and visual tab-based interface. Gone in Office 2007 are the familiar pull-down menus and toolbars seen in previous versions of Office. The following features will be explained in this document: The new interface aims to make all of the Office programs more user-friendly and efficient. The updates in the Office 2007 environment make finding commands and tools easier for you. This article is based on legacy software. (Legacy) Microsoft Office 2007: The Office 2007 Environment